African Methodist Episcopal Church
Established in 1811

Our History
HISTORY (In Brief)
Macedonia A.M.E. Church, the third oldest church in Flushing, was established in 1811. In the early
years its congregation was composed of freed African slaves, Native Americans and Whites.
At the first A.M.E. conference held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Rev. Henry Hearden was
commissioned by Richard Allen, the first bishop of the A.M.E. Church, to establish churches in New York.
Rev. Hearden ultimately became Macedonia’s first A.M.E. pastor.
Many pastors followed, however, it should be duly noted that three became bishops of the A.M.E.
Church – the Reverend William Paul Quinn, the Reverend Japeth P. Campbell and the Reverend Richard
Franklin Norris. Many pastors contributed to the growth of Macedonia; but spiritual and physical
growth was enormously significant during the years of the depression (1928-1940) under the leadership
of the Reverend William McKinley Dawkins. Property was acquired, building erected, members of the
congregation increased, and organizational changes made. Missionary Grace Wares was inspired and
sent into the mission fields of Africa. Countless souls were saved. Prayer and its power was the key, as
the people pooled their meager resources for the glory of God and the upbuilding of His Kingdom here on earth.
Under the leadership of the Reverend Grady Grant Crumpley, after many major bouts with the City of
New York, property was acquired adjacent to the church building and in 1957 a recreational/educational
center building was completed. To this day all facets of the community have benefitted from its accessibility.
Under the pastorate of Reverend Richard Franklin Norris, the Bowne Street parsonage mortgage was
paid off. A new parsonage was purchased in Jamaica Estates. This mortgage was paid off in one year.
The Paul Quinn Federal Credit Union was established. PQFCU is the only black-owned financial
institution in Flushing. Macedonia celebrated its 175th Anniversary during this tenure.
The Reverend Richard O. McEachern was appointed pastor of Macedonia in June 2009 by Bishop Richard
Franklin Norris. A strong ministry focusing on prayer and the power of prayer has taken place. A 140-unit
affordable housing complex has been built, namely Macedonia Plaza. Macedonia celebrated 200
years of service to God and Community in 2011 with worship services, parade, street re-naming, its own
flag and postage stamp, youth festivities, and a Wall of Merit ceremony.
Now, the vision of a new church becomes a reality as we embark on the building of this new edifice. We
are committed, audacious, and dedicated, leaning on Almighty God, who is able to keep us from falling.
We praise and bless the name of the Lord for the great things He has done in the life of this historic church.